Monday, October 5, 2009


A quick bit about last weekend...anyone who got my big email will have already heard about this spot, but it was too awesome not to mention here... so ya, Manali is this wicked little hippie town full of Israelis and Russians who travelled there and could never leave...weed literally grows on the sides of the a weed... and the people are way more chilled out than in any of hte cities...the restaurants were awesome and reminded me of people back spot gave you crayons and blank paper while you waited, and the walls were filled of amazing drawings people had done in hte past..there was another spot called the lazy dog cafe where we just sat outside looking at the himalayas, chilling, drinking chai, and eating awesome food... Dylan's Roast and Toast was another great spot, just off the road, played only Dylan music and had a great vibe...stayed at a place call the Relax...basic rooms, hot water and a comfortable bed..who would have thought how happy i would be to take a hot shower haha...the roof of this building was an amazing spot to spend the night..looking up at stars never seen before in canada, himalayas on three sides of you, great company...was really a great weekend..some very nice photos you should check out...think i put hte link up a couple of days ago but just in case ....

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