Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Two weekends ago - i know, its taken me a while - i went on a sweet trip to a city called Shimla, only 4 hours outside of Chandigarh by bus. Me and the two Kiwis left around 9pm friday, arriving at 1 or 2 in the morning. Its always cool arriving places at night, because you really have no idea what the place looks like until the morning. Shimla was really cool - not breathtaking beautiful, but a great place to go and relax. It is a decent sized city all built into the mountains. There are no cars, bicycles, or rickshaws - only walking. It was so nice being somewhere Quiet! No really big tourist attractions there, other than the Jaku Temple (Monkey Temple). This place was a 40 minute vertical hike up from the city, but was definitely worth it haha monkeys EVERYWHERE, like hundreds. One of the girls i was wish took a shoe off and it was stolen within a minute haha i had to carry around a broken brick the whole time - apparently they’re afraid of them. Just the weekend i needed after the craziness of Agra and Jaipur...some beautiful sunsets photos worth looking at that are now the link beside for a time waster!

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