Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Golden Temple

The Golden Temple in Amritsar

This weekend I travelled to the city of Amritsar with the two New Zealand ladies to visit the famous Golden Temple. The place really was a thing of beauty. Gold crowned, sitting in the middle of the water and surrounded by a high walled, beautifully carved building on all sides the temple was amazing at all times of the day... we went three different times, one in the afternoon when we first arrived, then again in the evening and the following morning... in the complex you arent able to wear footwear of any kind, so you have to check them in with the other thousands of pairs, and you have to wear something on your head - reason for wearing the beautiful bandanas haha...the photos do most of the talking for this weekend, it was nice, slow paced, good food, and hte city was great to walk around in - narrow streets with vendors all over the place


Two weekends ago - i know, its taken me a while - i went on a sweet trip to a city called Shimla, only 4 hours outside of Chandigarh by bus. Me and the two Kiwis left around 9pm friday, arriving at 1 or 2 in the morning. Its always cool arriving places at night, because you really have no idea what the place looks like until the morning. Shimla was really cool - not breathtaking beautiful, but a great place to go and relax. It is a decent sized city all built into the mountains. There are no cars, bicycles, or rickshaws - only walking. It was so nice being somewhere Quiet! No really big tourist attractions there, other than the Jaku Temple (Monkey Temple). This place was a 40 minute vertical hike up from the city, but was definitely worth it haha monkeys EVERYWHERE, like hundreds. One of the girls i was wish took a shoe off and it was stolen within a minute haha i had to carry around a broken brick the whole time - apparently they’re afraid of them. Just the weekend i needed after the craziness of Agra and Jaipur...some beautiful sunsets photos worth looking at that are now the link beside for a time waster!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Approaching the Taj

Walking towards the Taj Mahal, one of the new wonders of the world, for the first time


Went on an amazing trip last weekend to Agra and Jaipur. Will write about it next week because have no internet at home right now. Posted some wicked photos so check it.