Thursday, September 24, 2009

It Begins!

Chandigarh, India has been my new home for just over a week now and it has been nothing short of amazing. I'm living in two story place with 17 other people from around the world, not a bad one in the bunch. They hail from russia, new zealand, lithuania, poland, brazil, usa, mexico, germany and a bunch i can't remember..

Haha its 9:15 pm here and im sitting outside with a couple of new zealanders and a russian having beers, feeling like im in a 30 degree sauna - supposedly its nice and cool right now....

Work has been great so far...working for an NGO called DIR-I that works to improve health conditions in a nearby slum..people are great at the office and at the area we work...there are only 8 of us in the office - 4 interns, 3 indians and my boss - a 79 yr old guy from northern ireland. Lots to say but dont know where to start... im going to post more photos than text and let them do the talking for me

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